Hawks and Ospreys PowerHouseGames 2025
After our inaugural event in 2022 we are delighted to be back with the Cambridge Hawks and Ospreys Clubs to run a PowerHouseGames on the 31st January 2025! It will take place at the Cambridge University Sports Centre and will again bring the community together.
We are yet to announce which schools will be joining the club for this fantastic event, so watch this space and we will update it when we know more. If you would like your school / college to take part then please contact us.
School students will join the university students in playing inclusive and adapted games such as boccia, new age kurling, and touch rugby. Twelve teams of six will play in colourful T-shirts, learning about inclusion, community cohesion and teamwork.
We are also looking for a corporate sponsor for the event. A sponsor will provide volunteers to be team captains, leading the students through the games and learning lots too about the fun of inclusion and community cohesion. If you would like your workplace / company to get involved then please get in touch.