Founded by chartered accountant and remarkable Power2Inspire fundraiser, Darren Lunz, Hero was generated from an innate desire to create an accessible platform for people seeking meaningful volunteer opportunities.

Through this collaboration, Power2Inspire and Hero are set to amplify the landscape of volunteering, offering a comprehensive platform where both volunteers and charities can unite, fostering a seamless and effective process.

This exciting venture promises a wealth of new opportunities, inviting individuals and organisations alike to join together and collectively steer towards a more compassionate, helpful, and impactful future.
Alex Laybourne, CEO, Power2Inspire, said:
“We are delighted to team-up with Hero to provide our volunteers with an accessible platform to aid supporting our charity.
Darren is a long-term friend of our charity, and his extensive volunteering background ensures he knows first-hand how much this platform can help improve volunteer’s experiences.”
Darren Lunz, Founder, Hero, and keen volunteer, said:
“I’m thrilled to team up with Power2Inspire who are doing incredible things in the community, and invite you to join our aligned mission of making a positive impact!, is your go-to destination for flexible volunteering opportunities that fit seamlessly into your schedule.
Discover exciting events, connect with passionate volunteers, and be a part of something bigger – all at no cost to you! We believe in the power of community and the change it can bring. Visit and let’s make a difference together!”
Inspired? Then Get Involved!
We are SO grateful for all our volunteers and fundraisers. We would not be able to put on such extraordinary events without you! If you’d like to make a MASSIVE difference to people’s lives through Power2Inspire’s vision to ensure “no one is left on the bench!” then click on our Volunteers page to find out more, or go direct to Hero and sign up to find your next opportunity to get involved.