The University PowerHouseGames are inclusive sports days, integrating state, independent and special-needs school students alongside university student and corporate volunteers. The university students co-ordinate the games and help to expose pupils from a range of backgrounds to the opportunities that the university has to offer, showcasing its facilities in the process. There are opportunities for companies to participate with their employees volunteering to lead the teams. Through a range of inclusive and adapted sports, we ensure that “no one is left on the bench”.
Want to see what the University PowerHouseGamesCheck look like. Check out this video:
We work with schools and universities to bring together a carousel of inclusive sports, such as boccia, new age kurling, sitting volleyball, goalball and sitting netball, and run a series of games designed with inclusivity in mind. Everyone gets a chance to participate equally, to learn new skills, and most importantly, to have fun!

For university volunteers, the University PowerHouseGames gives the chance to step outside one’s comfort zone, to grow leadership and teamwork skills, and to play a part in organising a special day for the children involved. For school students, the PowerHouseGames is a chance to try something new, to meet new people, to stay active, and to learn about the benefits of inclusivity.

Caius PowerHouseGames 2020
Read about a recent University PowerHouseGames event that was held with students from Gonville & Caius College Cambridge, and co-organised by LCAP Consulting (a firm run by Caius students). It was a delightful success, with both university and school students left wondering when the next games would take place!

For corporate volunteers, the University PowerHouseGames gives the chance to support a local inclusive event with university and school students, to practice leadership skills in a safe environment, and to grow confidence in collaborating with people with disabilities in team situation. You can see photos below of the Cambridge University Rowing Club PowerHouseGames which was supported by Hill, the housebuilder.
Emma Fletcher, Director at SmithsonHill, commented:
“Hill have the core values of EPIC – Extraordinary, Proud, Innovative and Collaborative and the Power2Inspire event lived up to these and more! Team Hill were absolutely delighted to support this fantastic event and see the impact it had on all of the students. The transformation over the morning was amazing, the competitive spirit was strong and everyone, helpers included, left with huge smiles on their faces. Fantastic!”

You can find out more about how your company could get involved supporting a University PowerHouseGames by clicking the button below.
Corporate Involvement
Companies of all sizes can be part of, and benefit from, our fantastic, inclusive PowerHouseGames. Find out more
Please contact us to find out more and talk through how we can help you launch your very own PowerHouseGames!